Forums - Marvel vs Capcom 2: Bread & Butter Combos. Show all 27 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Marvel vs Capcom 2: Bread & Butter Combos. ( Posted by TS on 08:12:2001 01:24 AM: Marvel vs Capcom 2: Bread & Butter Combos. If someone wants to contribute, or has a DC and wants to post up some damage figures, that'd be great. Corrections are also appreciated. 1.Akuma -Low short, stand fierce, fireball xx DP or ground fireball super. -Launch, sj jab, roundhouse hurricane kick xx Tenma Gou Zankuu -Crouching short, crouching forward, roundhouse hurricane kick xx Tenma Gou Zankuu. Rollable. -Standing Jab/Crouching Short, standing fierce xx Snapback 2.Amingo -Chain to standing Fierce (hits once), onion ball xx dancing maracas super -Chain to standing Forward xx vine super 3.Anakaris -Standing Jabx2 xx Fierce Miira Drop. Escapable. 4.B.B.Hood -Chain to standing Strong, Shyness & Strike XX Cool Hunting -Chain to crouching Forward xx Cruel Hunting or THC 5.Blackheart -Stand/crouch short or jab+commando AAA, stand/crouch forward, Inferno xx Heart of Darkness or Armageddon -Launch, sj jab (pause) sj short, sj strong air dash towards, zigag to either sj forward or throw -Inferno xx Heart of Darkness -Catch airborne opponent with jumping/standing roundhouse, (superjump roundhouse, air dash backwards roundhouse, guide yourself towards the opponent as you fall, land and repeat)xn. Infinite. -Stand/crouch short or jab+Cyclops AAA, stand/crouch forward, proceed with repeated part of infinite 6.Cable -Dash low short, stand/crouch forward, stand roundhouse, AHVBx3. -From a distance, standing fierce x4 xx whiff jab psimitar xx AHVBx3 -Low short, stand/crouch forward, stand roundhouse or stand fiercex4, Fierce Viper Beam XX Hyper Viper Beam 7.Cammy -Launch, sj zigzag to Forward, Cannon Drill XX Killer Bee Assault, land, dash towards, otg crouching short, launch, repeat combo. Rollable after the first KBA. -Launch, sj Roundhouse xx Roundhouse Cannon Drill XX KBA 8.Captain America -Crouching Short, crouching Forward, Fierce shield slash xx Final justice -Opponent in corner, crouching short, crouching Forward, standing roundhouse, shield slash XX Hyper Charging Star(?), (Charging Star XX Hyper Charging Star)xn (?) -Launch, sj zigzg to Strong, sj jab, double jump zigzag to Fierce. Can add a sj roundhouse at the end if your opponent is in the corner. 9.Captain Commando -Launch xx Captain Sword -Crouching Short, crouching Fierce xx Captain Storm, otg crouching Short, launch, captain corridor(?) xx Captain Sword. OTG can be mashed out of. -Captian Corridor xx Captain Sword 10.Charlie -Opponent in corner, chain to Launch xx Somersault Justice, dashing jab, strong, roundhouse xx Somersault Justice -Chain to crouching Forward xx Somersault Justice -Launch, zigzag to Forward, Roundhouse air throw, otg crouching Short, repeat from beggining. Psuedo infinite; can be both tech. hit and rolled out of after/during any throw. 11.Chun-Li -Opponent in corner, Tenshou Kyaku (hits once) XX kikoushou. Repeatable super(?) -Launch xx Hazan Tenshou Kyaku -Chain to crouching Roundhouse XX Senretsu Kyaku. Rollable. -Launch, zigzag to forward, neutral sj roundhouse xx lightning kick -Opponent in corner, launch, zigzag to fierce, d+roundhouse -Crouching Short+Storm Alpha/Sent gamma assist etc,(optional(?) crouching Strong), crouching Forward, crouching Fierce XX Sentretsu Kyaku 12.Colossus -Launch, zigzag to Forward xx divebomb super -Opponent in corner, launch, zigzag to Forward, Power tackle xx divebomb super -Jumping/crouching Fierce xx Giant Swing 13.Cyclops -Stand Roundhouse x2 (or Crouching Short, stand roundhouse), Jab Optic Blast XX Super Optic Blast -Jab Optic Blast XX Super Optic Blast -Stand Roundhouse x2, roundhouse Cyclone kick (hits once) Mega Optic Blast -Stand Roundhouse x2, Roundhouse Cyclone Kick (hits twice) Super Optic Blast -(see comments about BH infinite) 14.Dan -Chain to standing Forward xx Shinkuu Gadoken or Hisshou Burai Ken -Repeated DP supers with the opponent in the corner (?) 15.Dhalsim -Crouching Jab, crouching Strong, crouchign Fierce XX Yoga Strike XX immediate DHC to beam super of your chice (or something else that comes out at a decent speed) -(ridiculous White combo) 16.Doctor Doom -Launch, sj zigzag to Forward, dash uf (or begin sj Fierce) XX air photon super -Opponent in corner, launch, (sj short, sj strong, sj roundhouse xx fly)x3, (sj short, sj roundhouse xx fly)xn. Infinite. -Opponent in/near corner, launch, zigzag to Forward (?), Roundhouse (?) air throw, air dash xx air photon super. Can be tech. hit out of. 17.Felicia (repeated corner super) 18.Gambit -Jab Cajun Slash xx Royal Flush. Rollable. -Chain to crouching Roundhouse xx Royal Flush. Rollable. -Launch xx Royal Flush -Kinetic Card xx Royal Flush -Crouching Short+Storm Alpha/Sent gamma assist etc, crouching Forward, standing Roundhouse xx Royal Flush 19.Guile -Crouching Short, crouching Forward xx Somersault Strike -Chain to standing or crouching Strong xx Sonic Hurricane -Opponent in or near corner(?), launch zigzag to Forward, flash kick xx Crossfire Assault -Launch, zigzag to Strong, Roundhouse air throw, otg crouching Short, repeat from beggining. Psuedo infinite; can be both tech. hit and rolled out of after/during any throw. -(repeated Somersault Justice combo in the corner) 20.Hayato -B+Fierce, jab, fiercex3, shiden (one hit) xx rush swowrd super -Launch, zigzag to forward, Fierce Guren xx Plasma Field, otg crouching Short xx Black Hayato. Anything after the Plasma Field can be escaped. -Short, Forward, Fierce, Roundhouse, Shiden xx shockwave super 21.Hulk -Chain to crouching Strong or Forward, horizontal Gamma Charge xx any of Hulk's supers. Gamma Crush version can be mashed out of if assist is not used in the combo. -(Gamma Charge infinite) 22.Iceman -Launch, zigzag to Forward, imcomplete Ice Avalanche or Icebeam XX Arctic Attack. -Chain to standing Roundhouse xx Fierce Icebeam -Launch, sj short(?), sj strong(?), sj forward xx Arctic attack 23.Iron Man -Opponent airborne but relatively close to the ground, jump jab, strong, forward, up+fierce, land, repeat. Infinite. Set up easiest by Psylocke's AAA. -Chain to crouching Strong xx Proton Cannon -Launch, sj Jab, sj strong, sj up+fierce, air dash towards, jab, strong, up+fierce xx Fly, jab, strong, up+fierce xx Jab Unibeam -Opponent in corner, chain to crouching Roundhouse xx Jab unibeam, begin infinite. -Launch, SJ d+Fierce, air dash df, sj short, sj Forward, sj up+Fierce, land, start infinte -Chain to crouching strong, manual super jump jab, air dash towards, sj jab, sj up+Fierce, begin infinite. -After infinite (before the undizzy), you can either launch and go into another combo, or if your opponent is in the corner, I believe you can do Repulsor Blast xx Proton Cannon, or standing Fierce xx Proton Cannon, or just a Proton Cannon. -Chain to crouching Strong xx Snapback 24.Jill Launch, zigzag to Forward, flameball super 25.Jin -Chain to crouching Strong, Fierce Saotome Typhoon xx any super(?) 26.Juggernaut -Standing Fierce or chain to standing Strong xx Headcrush (Juggernaut Punch xx Headcrush)xn -Opponent in corner, launch, zigzag to roundhouse, standing jab, standing strong or throw attempt. -Opponent in corner, chain to standing Fierce xx Earthquake, Snapback (optional guardbreak-> repeated headcrush combo) 27.Ken -Launch, (optional sj jab), Roundhouse Hurricane Kick -(basically any ground chain or normal hit) xx Shoryuureppa -Opponent in corner, Shinkryuuken, OTG crouching Short, crouching strong, roundhouse throw attepmt. Not rollable. -Overhead, Shoryuureppa (?) -Stand jab, stand fierce(?) xx Snapback 28.Magneto -Launch, sj Fierce or Roundhouse, air dash df, sj short, sj forward, land, standing roundhouse (hits once) xx Magnetic Shockwave or jumping throw attempt to reset the combo, or call Psylocke assist, Hyper Gravitation xx Magnetic Tempest, or launch into combo of your choice, etc. Throw attempts can be tech. hit out of, and hypergrav/Tempest combos can be mashed out of. -Launch xx Magnetic Shockwave -Launch, sj zigzag to Forward, air dash uf, zigzag to Forward, sj fierce (ends combo) or Hyper gravitation xx Magnetic Tempest, sj jab, sj short xx hyper gravitation xx Magnetic tempest. All magnetic tempests in this combo can be mashed out of. 29.Marrow -Bonemerang xx Bone Burst -Launch, sj zigzag to Forward(?), air Bone Burst 30.M.Bison -Launch, sj zigzag to Forward, air Knee Press (hits twice) xx air Psycho Crusher -Stand Roundhouse xx Knee Press Knightmare (?) 31.Megaman 32.Morrigan -Chain to stand Fierce xx Soul Fist xx Soul Eraser 33.Omega Red -Launch, sj jab, sj short, Death Factor, Coil Flip 34.Psylocke -Launch, zigzag to Forward xx Psyblade xx Kouchou Gakure -(don't know her infinite) 35.Rogue -Chain to standing/crouching Forward, dashing punches xx "Goodnight, Sugah" -Launch, zigzag to Forward(?), Kiss attempt or dashing punches\ 36.Roll 37.Ruby Heart -Launch, zigzag to Forward, Hyper Schwarzelle -Chain to crouching Roundhouse, OTG Roundhouse Sublimation xx Hyper Schwarzelle -Chain to crouching Strong (?) xx Snapback 38.Ryu -Chain to Standing Fierce, Fierce Hadouken xx Shinkuu Hadouken -Launch, sj fierce xx Shinkuu Hadouken -Chain to standing Fierce, Roundhouse Hurricane Kick xx air Shinkuu Hadouken -Chain to crouching Roundhouse xx Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku. Rollable. -[Your] Back to corner, Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku, standing Jab, standing Strong, repeat from beggining (repeatable super) -Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku, Tag out (?) -Opponent in corner, launch, very brief pause, sj jab, brief pause, sj neutral short, sj neutral Forward xx Roundhouse Hurricane kick (hits 3 times). 39.Sabretooth -Chain to low Roundhouse xx Fierce Berserker Claw xx Berserker Claw X. Rollable. -Chain to stading roundhouse, jab Berserker Claw XX Weapon X Rush 40.Sakura -(dark Sakura) Chain to stand Roundhouse xx fierce fireball xx shinkuu hadouken -Chain to Stand Fierce, Fierce Shou 'ou Ken xx either Hurricane Kick or fireball supers 41.Sentinel -Launch, sj zigzag to Forward, Fierce Rocket Punch. -Opponent in corner, Launch, sj zigzag to forward, Fierce Rocket Punch, sj fierce, otg sj roundhouse -Opponent in corner, launch, zigzag to Forward, upward Fierce Punch, Short, Forward, land, jump and throw attempt to reset combo -Hyper Sentinel Force, standing or crouching Fierce xx Fierce Rocket Punch, repeat from beggining -Hyper Sentinel Force from close range, dash or wavedash towards opponent, launch, zigzag to Forward, Fierce Rocket Punch. -Launch, zigzag to Forward, air dash towards, throw attempt to reset combo. 42.Servbot 43.Shuma Gorath -Launch, zigzag to Forward, Roundhouse throw attempt. Can be tech. hit out of. -Chaos Dimension activated, launch, zigzag to Forward, Chaos Dimension grab 44.Silver Samurai -Chain to either crouching Feirce or crouching Forward xx RaimeiKen 45.Sonson DP xx Staff super 46.Spider-Man -Chain to standing Roundhouse (not launch), Spider Sting xx Maximum Spider or Ultimate Web Throw -Chain to crouching Roundhouse xx Crawler Assault. Rollable. 47.Spiral -Launch, zigzag to forward, Six Hand Grapple, sj Fierce(?) -Dancing Swords activated, launch, sj short, sj Forward, circular sword release xx Metamorphosis. Escapable depending on character on position(?) -Crouching Short, crouching Forward xx Snapback 48.Storm -Launch, zigzag to Forward, Lightning Attack XX Lightning Storm -Launch, zigzag to Forward, pause, air dash uf, zigzag to Forward, Lightning attack x2 xx Lightning Storm. Also possible to do a breif pause in between the first sj short and sj strong, instead of after the first zigzag to Forward. -Launch, zigzag to Forward, air dash df, uf lightning attack xx Lightning Storm. Blockable. -Launch, sj Fierce(?), air dash df, sj jab(?), sj strong xx Lightning Attack xx Lightning Storm -Opponent in corner, launch, sj Roundhouse, air dash df, sj roundhouse, OTG crouching Short, standing Fierce, standing Roundhouse. -Super jump, vertical Typhoon (if typhoon connects) Lightning Attack xx Lightning Storm 49.Strider-Hiryu -Zizag to standing strong or standing/crouching Forward xx Snapback 50.Thanos -Jab, strong, Titan Crush xx Gauntlet Power(?)x2, Gauntlet Soul -Death Sphere, dashing b+Roundhouse, repeat from beggining. Psuedo infinite, can be mashed out of. 51.Tron Bonne -Chain to standing Strong(?) XX Chuushoku Rush -Chain to standing Strong(?) Bonne Strike XX King Kobun 52.Venom -Launch, zigzag to Roundhouse xx Venom Fang -Chain to(?) standing Roundhouse xx Death Bite 53.War Machine -Opponent airborne but relatively close to the ground, jump jab, strong, forward, up+fierce, land, repeat. Infinite. Set up easiest by Psylocke's AAA. -Launch, SJ neutral Fierce, air dash df, sj short, sj Forward, sj up+Fierce, land, start infinte -Chain to crouching Strong, Jab Repulsor Blast xx War Destroyer -Back to corner(?), Chain to crouching strong xx Proton Cannon -Chain to crouching strong, manual super jump jab, air dash towards, sj jab, sj up+Fierce, begin infinite -Launch, sj jab, sj short, sj up+Fierce, air dash towards, jab, up+Fierce, up+Roundhouse xx fly, jab, strong(?), sj up+Fierce xx Jab Shoulder Cannon or up+ Roundhouse or neutral Smart Bombs -Launch xx War Destroyer. Dependant on location. -After infinite (before the undizzy), you can either launch and go into another combo, or if your opponent is in the corner, I believe you can do Repulsor Blast xx War Destroyer. -Chain to crouching Strong xx Snapback 54.Wolverine(Adamantium) -Activate Speed Up, standing zigzag to Forward (Forward hits once), dash, repeat. Psuedo infinite. -Tornado Claw xx Fatal Claw -Chain to crouching Forward, OTG Fierce Berserker Barrage xx Berserker Barrage X. Rollable. -Chain to crouching Roundhouse xx Fatal Claw 55.Wolverine(Bone) -Chain to crouching Forward, crouching Fierce xx Berserker Barrage xx Berserker Barrage X. -Jumping Fierce xx Tornado Claw -Opponent in corner, launch, zigzag to sj strong, sj strong, sj strong, sj forward, uf Drill Claw, sj short (?), sj Roundhouse, land, otg crouching Short, (standing strongx2)xn. Infinite. 56.Zangief -Launch, sj short, sj forward, sj lariat, land, lariat xx Final Atomic Buster or Ultra Final Atomic Buster. Escapable. -Launch, sj short, sj forward, SPD -(corner infinite from one of the earlier mike z combo vids) Posted by pathfinger on 08:12:2001 01:39 AM: nice Posted by TS on 08:12:2001 07:18 AM: Re: Marvel vs Capcom 2: Bread & Butter Combos. Damn. No love. Except for you pf. All right, well I updated the thing, if anyone cares. Posted by Battousai on 08:12:2001 02:54 PM: please update it... i'm just looking for simple combos that could do some damage... plus this gives me somem combos for the players that i never use... Posted by Cycloid Beta on 08:12:2001 03:04 PM: must have alot of time in your hands to type such a long ass post. Ah well, here are some combos that you may like, I'm not sure what you mean by "bread and butter" but hopefully these fall under the topic: Megaman:Spiral-ground,in corner 68hits-Charge MB,bring out LS,,,,lp,mp,LS,assist,lp,mp, b.o.LS,lp,mp,LS,lp,mp,release MB,,lp,mp,LS,lp,mp,lp,mp, r.MB,lk,hk,j.lp,,,,j.hp Hayato-,,back+hp,lp,hp,hp,qcb+p(1hit),plasma sword hyper Charlie-in corner 28+hits-j.lp,,dash+lp,mp,c.hpxxSomersault hyper,dash+lp,mp,hk, somersault hyper Bison:Psylocke-AAA,,assist,lp,Phsyco Explosion,,c.hp,j.lp,,,,Phsyco crusher,lk,mk,Phsyco Crusher I would post more but unlike you I have a life...just kidding Posted by CgHuReInS on 08:12:2001 03:16 PM: I'm not sure those would fall under "bread & butter". Bread & butter combos are the basic combos that everyone should know and master in order to be decent with a character--not big and huge and fancy ones. I don't have too much time right now, but one for a character you don't have yet is s.LP, s.MP, QCB+FP (the basket thing) XX Cool Hunting for B.B. Hood Posted by Cycloid Beta on 08:12:2001 03:22 PM: Oh aight, sorry for bein a little slow okay then how's about this one- Omega red- lp,mp,j.lp,,,,j.hp, How's that?? Posted by Kamesama on 08:12:2001 04:13 PM: Venom:Spiderman AAA 17hits- jlk,jmk,AAA,lp,mpxxVenom Web Posted by n817azn on 08:12:2001 04:21 PM: Very nice TS, but like beta said you must have alot of time on your hands ^_^. Here are some for 3 other characters on your list.--> Hayato- OTG-(holding back)lp,lp,lp,rh,lp xx qcf kk. OTG-(holding back)lp,lp,lp,rh,qcf + lp xx qcf kk. around 50% damage. Venom- OTG- rh, qcf lk xx qcf kk. OTG- lk, mk xx qcf kk. rogue- most basic b&b- lk, mk, qcf fp xx qcf pp. bb hood- her most basic b&b takes off greater than, xx hunter super. very damaging. n8 Posted by Cletus Kasady on 08:12:2001 05:34 PM: A far better Sabretooth one is chain to S.Roundhouse XX Jab-Berserker Claw XX Weapon X. Posted by TigeR GenocidE on 08:12:2001 07:42 PM: Jin- c.lp, c.lp, jin typhoon xx bloodia punch or bloodia vulcan Mega man- call leaf shield launch lp, lk, lp, lk leaf shieldxxHyper megaman Sonson- qcf+pxxPOW Posted by MadjaYcD on 08:12:2001 08:31 PM: Hayato: -s.lp, s.lp xx qcf+PP -lk, lk, hp, hk, qcf+p (2 hits), qcf+kk -(corner), c.hp, jump, lp, lk, lp, lk, DP+p, qcb+kk (infinite meter), otg xx b.hayato Shuma Gorath:,, jump, lp, lk, lp, lk, hk throw (insane drain), xx chaos dimension, jump, grab Venom: xx (web throw, death bite, venom fang, etc.), otg qcf+lk xx death bite (qcf+kk) -s.lp, s.lp, jump, lp, lk, lp, lk, hk, venom fang Servbot: -gamma assist (doom assist): qcf+pp 5 times with assist Charlie: -s.hp xx crossfire blitz (qcf+kk) -(, or (c.hp) xx (qcb+kk), c.hp, jump, lp, lk, lp, lk, hp throw xx repeat (otg semi-infinite) xx qcf+pp or qcb+kk (rollable) Posted by Terazon on 08:12:2001 09:46 PM: I'd like to correct some of the Amingo ones for you. I hope you won't mind. I'll also provide you with a detailed description of how to do Blackheart's infinites as well as provide you with some other combos. =*Amingo*= =Amingo General Ground Combos. 1]Flying Hk/2lk 2]Ducking [lk,hp-1 hit],lp dashball. -If blocked, follow with 2 crouched lk. If unblocked, cancell to a grab super and DHC out since this super is WEAK. -When done on a cornered foe, Otg them after the ball with lk. if they'll fall for the lk, you dashball, lk, dashball,lk, dashball,...undizzy, or launch them for an air combo. -Also if they're cornered, you can just cancell into a heavy dashball instead, and cancell that into a vineblade. 1]Dash in,2lk, vine super. Amingo's Bread and butter Air rave 1]Flying Hk/2lk 2]Ducking [2lk or 2lp or lk,lp] 3]lp,lk,mp,mk,lk,mk,ender [Ender=hp, hk, dashball, or lp dashball so you can tack on more hits after it in corners]. Amingo's crouching medium hits are all launchers, so substitute in yours standing mp and the maracas super should connect. Otherwise they'll get launched, and the super will miss. =*Akuma*= The most powerful Combo I've ever seen for him is at 1]Jump in hp, hk spinkick, 2]ducking Hp, superjump 3]Hk spinkick, Tenma Gao Zanku [air super fireball]. I use a very similar one. 1]Flying Hk, Hk Spinkick 2]Ducking [lk, hp] 3]Step 3 above. -I have found that not adding any hits in the air before the spinkick makes it way more powerful. =*Blackheart*= BH has 2 infinites I'm aware of. The first one is the corner one. -Flying 2lk,land, hk, cancelled to a superjump, cancelled to a Very low airdash, and during this hitting with flying 2lk. If done properly, you are hitting at almost the same time [since there is delay before] the demons hit making it almost if not impossible to mash out. Not as practical as the common one shown below. This is the infinite to use with BH. Common infinite 1]Catch the opponent off the ground with a flying hk. This can be done by comboing it off an assist like Ken or Cyclops, or if you can trick your opponent into eating it. 2]Once you hit the airbourne opponent with a flying hk, airdash [Away usually works best,] and hit them with another flying hk. 3]Manually guide yourself back towards your opponent and land. 4]From now on it's Superjump Hk, airdash, Hk, guide, land, repeat till you undizzy them, you decide to use it as a safe tag out, or super them. -Both flying Hk need not hit during step 4, but the last one is key. If you miss this one, odds are you'll botch the thing. -It's all about observing how they do the funky chicken in the air and leading them in the BH bounce. =*Hulk*= His biggest normal air combo is launch, lp, 2lk, hp, [And if they're cornered, hk...]. Nothing really special. An interesting combo with him is ducking hp, cancelled on contact with a gamma wave. On cornered foes, the Gamma Quake can be chained twice off launchers into itself. I had a shitload of stuff here but I believed the post too long, so I deleted alot of the Hulk stuff. If you want it back, I will redo it upon request since it was assists that prevent mashouts and enhance the power of the Gamma Crush. Posted by Cornelius on 08:12:2001 10:20 PM: Amingo - Launch, Magic Series, QCF+P (Veggie Ball thing) Hood - C. Short -> C. Forward XX THC or QCF+PP (Cruel Hunting) Charlie - Crouching 3 kicks XX QCB+KK (somersualt justice) Colossus - Add in a QCF+K (power tackle) before the power dive super in the air combo. Dan - Supertaunt, DHC when they attack you. Launch, magic series QCB+K (Dankuu kyaku). S. Short -> S. Forward XX QCF+PP or QCB+KK Ken - Overhead XX Shoryureppa doesn't work. C. Short -> C. Forward XX QCF+PP (Shoryureppa). C. Fierce XX QCF+KK (Shinryuken). S. Fierce XX QCB+KK (Shippu Jinrai Kyaku) Omega Red - C. jab -> S. Strong /\ SJ Jab -> SJ Short XX QCF+Jab (coil) (tap punch about 5 times to drain) XX Direction+Punch (Coil throw) Rogue - J. DOWN+HK (Dive Kick) \/ C. Short -> S. Roundhouse /\ SJ 4 hit Magic Series XX QCF+Jab (Rushing Punches). J. DOWN+HK \/ C. Short -> C. Forward XX Rushing Punches XX QCF+PP (Goodnight Sugah) Strider - Zigzag to crouching Fierce /\ SJ Zigzag to forward /\ Double Jump Zigzag to forward XX Fierce, air throw, or QCF+P (Ame something or other). Wolverine - Zigzag to S. Roundhouse /\ SJ Zigzag XX DP+Fierce (Tornado Claw, tap P to get more hits). Adamantium only, Zigzag to crouching roundhouse XX DP+KK (Fatal Claw). Zangief - He can't zigzag. His best air combo is C. Jab -> C. Strong /\ SJ Short -> SJ Forward XX SPD. If you do a lariat (only 2kick will work) instead of the SPD, they can block afterwards. S. Roundhouse XX HCF+K (Running Bear Grab) or 270+PP (Final Atomic Buster) will work., as will 2P lariat XX FAB. Posted by Dank on 08:13:2001 01:52 AM: Here's my fav. bread-n-butter for T. Bonne. It's easy as all hell to do, looks impressive, and does pretty good damage considering its simplicity. It also requires no assist and only one level of meter. Anyways, here it is: lp, lk XX HK Bonne Strike XX qcf PP I usually get around 41 hits (and 50% damage) if the super connects, depending on when I cancel into the Bonne Strike. If you leave off the super, it's still 13 hits or so if done correctly. Additionally, if the combo is blocked and you want to chip, cancel into T. Bonne's other super (the qcb PP one) to do decent chip damage, provided you have a spare level of meter. Posted by Cornelius on 08:13:2001 02:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dank Here's my fav. bread-n-butter for T. Bonne. It's easy as all hell to do, looks impressive, and does pretty good damage considering its simplicity. It also requires no assist and only one level of meter. Anyways, here it is: lp, lk XX HK Bonne Strike XX qcf PP I usually get around 41 hits (and 50% damage) if the super connects, depending on when I cancel into the Bonne Strike. If you leave off the super, it's still 13 hits or so if done correctly. Additionally, if the combo is blocked and you want to chip, cancel into T. Bonne's other super (the qcb PP one) to do decent chip damage, provided you have a spare level of meter. You can't connect a lunch rush after a cancelled bonne strike except in the corner. I dunno if it was bad timing or not, but I've seen Mags and Storm players super jump and air dash out of the QCB PP super cancelled from a bonne strike. Posted by Dank on 08:13:2001 03:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by Cornelius You can't connect a lunch rush after a cancelled bonne strike except in the corner. I dunno if it was bad timing or not, but I've seen Mags and Storm players super jump and air dash out of the QCB PP super cancelled from a bonne strike. I've connected the lunch rush repeatedly both in the corner and out. You just have to cancel it quickly enough, it's kinda tricky. Sometimes it helps to juggle the opponent, then hit them with the lunch rush on the way down, but I like doing it the other way. As far as the QCB PP super, I have yet to see anybody jump out of it succesfully. Maybe it's a timing issue, or maybe you play better ccompetition than I do, but provided that I cancel into it correctly, it always works for me. Either way, a good AAA will stuff them if they try to jump out. Posted by Assist Type on 08:13:2001 03:22 AM: Tron/Thanos-Capture s.lp,,XX HK Bonne Strike,(assist hits),Bonne Strike or s.lp,, Lunch Rush PLay around with it for more hits Posted by Dank on 08:13:2001 03:31 AM: Great combo, Assist Type, but unfortunately I wouldn't call it a bread-n-butter combo. Unfortunately, it REQUIRES you to use Thanos, and you can't even pick his assist type. BOO! I think we're just trying to list basic, effective combo's for that particular character, without needing a certain assist. Still, your combo rocks, that's why I started using T. Bonne lately. Posted by Cycloid Beta on 08:13:2001 01:59 PM: Charlie- j.lp,,,c.mkxxSomersault kick j.lp,,dash+lk,mk,hkxxCrossfire blitz j.lp,,dash+lk,mk,hkxxSomersault hyper Megaman- charge MB,,,,dash+lp,mp,release MB bring out leaf shield,lp,mp,j.lp,,qcf+p,Beat Plane Cyclops- jump towards then hold back,j.lp,,lk,mk,foward+p(multi-punch) Posted by Jamerson on 08:13:2001 03:12 PM: Just thought I'd add a few Mags combos in since I'm learning him now. Launch-> s. FK, air dash df lk, lk--> i) fk (one hit) xx magnetic shockwave ii) jump lp, lk, lp (add an extra lk when doing it on big characters), land, repeat [infinte] iii) jump, throw iv) psylocke assist, hyper grav --> a) xx magnetic tempest,,, hypergrav to launch or another tempest b) whatever you want basically... eh, basically you can do whatever the hell you want off the starter, and I'm too tired to list all the possibilities lol Here's one for Sentinel in the corner I think everyone should know: launch-> lp, lk,lp, lk, rocket punch, fp, fk (you can add a few throws and rocket punches in there but this is the basic combo, does about 75% damage I believe anyway) And one for Ruby Heart since she's the first character I used in the game and this is one of the first combos I've ever used:,,, sublimation (usually fk) xx red ball super thingy Posted by Cycloid Beta on 08:13:2001 04:01 PM: here's an easy one for Jin-,,,Jin tornadoxxCyclone/Fulcan/B.Punch either of the three would do. Posted by aquarake on 08:14:2001 12:34 AM: easy for anakaris: Standing: jab jab fierce mummy throw(Fierce long range) not totally comboable, but its a good surprise if they block the first 3 punches Posted by TS on 08:14:2001 12:47 AM: righty. just updated. if you don't see your combo, don't get mad...probably means it wasn't average enough. Cornelius- I meant overhead -> Shoryuu reppa as a link, not a chain, given how fast the Shoryuu reppa is. Posted by TimeFlip on 08:14:2001 02:42 AM: Anakaris: D+FpxxPharaoh Illusion Venom: J.Fp/\Jp,SkxxDeath Bite J.Fp/\Rk,Sk Venom RushxxEither Super Thanos: J.D+Rk/\Jp,Jp,Rk, Titan CrushxxSoul Gem I also have some FANCY Tron combos Posted by Cornelius on 08:14:2001 03:41 AM: Amingo - C. Short -> C. Forward /\ Magic Series XX onion ball Colossus - you don't need to be in the corner to connect a magic series XX power tackle XX power dive air combo. Dan - Repeated Koryurekkas in the corner does NOT work. C. Fierce /\ Magic Series XX Dankuu kyaku OR C. Fierce /\ SJ Jab -> SJ Short [pause] fierce air throw Jugg - C. Short -> C. Forward XX Earthquake XX Headcrush. Mega - Launch /\ SJ Jab -> SJ Short XX Hyper Megaman Servbot - Standing Magic Series (at S. Strong, call assist) Assist hits, Dash-in, Standing Magic Series to A) launch XX Servbot Helicopter or B) Bull mover. Bonerine - Chain to launch /\ Magic Series XX Tornado Claw Zangief - 2P Lariat XX FAB Posted by Cycloid Beta on 08:14:2001 03:10 PM: Jill- j.lp,,hk,qcf+p(dash move) lk,mk,qcf+kk(Rocket super) All times are GMT. The time now is 10:17 PM. Show all 27 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.